we support
Have-a-Heart Namibia
– a much needed project which provides free spay and neuter services for dogs and cats of low and no income families across Namibia in municipal townships and informal settlements.
Have-a-Heart is a registered non-profit organisation in Namibia (21/2014/0378) which aims to reduce stray animal populations in a sustainable and humane way, thus eliminating the need for mass euthanasia or killing.
Saving lives through sterilisation!
Just Living Is Not Enough
Namibia is a large, developing country, and with a population of just 2.4 million people, has one of the lowest population densities worldwide plus a very high unemployment rate.
The fact that just 30 % of the population have direct access to veterinary care, coupled with long distances between towns, limited options for public transport and low or no income, often mean dogs, cats and other animals go their entire lives without veterinary care and attention this puts a lot of stress and worries on any caring owner. Have a Heart supports such owners and gives a helping hand to reduce one of their many daily worries!
A direct consequence of this is uncontrolled breeding of dogs and cats, producing ever increasing stray populations across rural Namibia.
Supporting Namibia's dog and cat owners!
Our main aim is to provide free dog and cat spay and neuter services to pet owners with low or no income. Our goal is the ultimate, sustainable aim of reducing the number of stray animals thus eliminating the need for mass-euthanasia, whilst improving the health and welfare status of township dogs and cats.
Hunting of wildlife
With limited resources, families of no and low income often struggle both financially and physically to cope with the addition of one or more litters of kittens or puppies. All too often this results in these animals becoming homeless and roaming the streets, forced to find their own food and water, may lead to the hunting of wildlife. This has been recorded twice within the last years in Luderitz alone, when stray dogs began hunting Oryx and Springbok.
Spaying and neutering is the only proven, sustainable way to reduce stray animal populations, therefore Have-a-Heart is working to reduce the problem of stray animals hunting wildlife.
Such populations are unwanted and problematic, causing human health risks and a danger to local wildlife which are often hunted when stray dogs or cats are forced to find their own food. Also the WHO recons for many years that witnessing mass killing of dogs and cats cause a lot of stress in adults and especially children, often resulting in PTS, followed by violent behavior. Sterilisation and the resulting sustainable and humane reduction in stray dog and cat populations will ultimately lead not only to less dogs and cats becoming homeless, but also to more safety for everyone in the community.
#fortheloveofdogs #fortheloveofcats #namibia